
Language week of 4b and 4c in Bray/Dublin

“If you don’t like the weather, wait for 10 minutes” – The students of 4b and 4c found out about the meaning of this Irish “saying” … and that sometimes you have to wait a little longer to see the sunny side of Bray.

On Friday, 29 March 2019, all the pupils from grades 3 to 5 watched the popular and successful drama “Hamlet”, which was acted by the Vienna’s English Theatre group.

An einem Projekttag mit zwei Native Speakers, Martin Langlois (Kanada) und Simon Write (England) erprobten am 29.2.2016 die SchülerInnen der 1c (HAK International) ihre Englischkenntnisse und schnupperten in die Welt der britischen und amerikanischen Sportarten.